Christmas elf

If you follow me on Twitter, you will notice that I now have an Instagram account. Come check me out if you have one, too. I’m late to the party, as always, but I’m enjoying the thing.

Anyway, I have gone crazy this year and decided I actually like Christmas. I don’t know what has happened to me. I’ve dealt with winter blues for a long time — since my teens, I guess — and always find the holidays to be overly stressful. But for some reason a switch flipped in me, and I can’t get enough. We put our tree up a week ago, as I mentioned, and I’m planning to drag my unsuspecting husband to the tree lighting in Chinatown this Saturday. I’m also planning other decorations I’d like to make — possibly a wreath, stockings, and some ornaments. Stop me!

(Yes, the gingerbread-like people are supposed to be me and my husband. I made them last year just to be silly, but we kinda love them.)

One thing I cannot get behind, however, is a holiday parades. I hate parades. They are like a low-speed car chase full of balloons and weird people and loud noises. *shudder* Last night was the Hollywood Christmas Parade, which closes down our neighborhood. If you look at my Instagram, you can see the empty streets and the crazy people sitting on the curb awaiting the festivities. It was bizarre. Last year, we had no idea the parade was coming and unwisely drove to see a movie at the Arclight (which is within easy walking distance, but my husband was being lazy). It took us hours — three, if I recall correctly — to maneuver our way back home, and that only happened by lying to a police officer (sorry, dude) and cutting off the Days of Our Lives float*. This year, we were prepared. We battened down the hatches by 3:00 and just assumed we’d be stuck at home all evening. We were right. At least the Giants won and I fell asleep before 10:00. Hallelujah.

And as I mentioned in my last post, Thanksgiving was great. The day-of was perfect, and the rest of the weekend was so much fun. We ate and watched a ton of football/basketball/movies and went to LACMA and just enjoyed being together. We both miss the bro-in-law now that he’s gone. Especially since it’s back to work now.

From the Kubrick exhibit at LACMA

*Might be an overstatement. Might not.

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